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respond output meaning

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Verb: respond    ri'spónd Show a response or a reaction to something - react   React verbally - answer , reply   Respond favourably or as hoped "The ...
respond to so or sth
[American slang] 1. to answer someone or something.    Would you please respond to me?    When are you going to respond to my letter? 2. to react to someone or...
Noun: output    'awt`pût Final product; the things produced - end product   Production of a certain amount - yield   Signal that comes out of an electronic s...
alarm output
[Electronics] The signal sent from an alarm circuit to a siren, buzzer, computer, or other external device to alert personnel to an ALARM CONDITION.
amplifier output
[Electronics] 1. The terminals and section of an amplifier that deliver the amplified signal for external use. 2. The amplified signal.
analog output
[Control systems] Transducer output in which the amplitude is continuously proportional to a function of the stimulus.; [Electronics] An output quantity that varies smoothly over a contin...
audio output
[Electronics] The output of an audio-frequency oscillator or amplifier. It can be measured in terms of peak or rms volts, amperes, or watts.
cardiac output
Noun: cardiac output    'kaa(r)dee`ak 'awt`pût The amount of blood pumped out by the ventricles in a given period of time "a resting adult has a cardiac output of a...
digital output
[Electronics] An output signal of digital pulses representing a number equal or proportional to the value of a corresponding input signal.
gross output
noun   The total selling value of (a firm's) output within a given period, incl the value of necessary materials bought to produce that output; [Architecture] The available ...
What is the meaning of respond output and how to define respond output in English? respond output meaning, what does respond output mean in a sentence? respond output meaningrespond output definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.